Sunday, May 16, 2010

Getting Back From CARPET Hill Ride 16 May 2010 - Pics Added!!

Making a safe return trip from Carpet Hill, it is undoubtedly a really enjoyable offroad trip... The reason why it is crowned with such a fancy annotation simply because, the moment you reach the top of the hill, it is somewhat a smooth flat garden planted with those so called 台湾草. But to reach there - Yes there is always some sacrificial to be made before you can enjoy the scenery view. hohoho. Before you are able to sniff the fresh air on top of the hill, you have to go through thick terrain with unknown creature awaiting. I can hardly see any sign of urbanisation setting foot on this area which is kinda good. I even saw a cobra crawling right before my eye. Holyyy tut! Luckily our presences do not show any sign of hostility and that's why i am still here blogging for your reading pleasure :) I do not have any photo to show you yet. Please bear with me for a while and i will edit this posting for more pics once they are available. Oh yea by the way, the offroad trail is slippery as hell, there is a downpour yesterday and there are a lot of mud poles that's for sure. Scroll down then you will know what i am saying. And it means that i have hell alot of cleaning works to be done.
Despite that 3 hours of cleaning, i really enjoy offroad cycling! Rider for life!

This is the usual routine/snap they usually take before rides begin. Merida Family says Cheezeeeee

Pedaling like dog till tongue menjulur panjang..

Flat and smooth grass...on top of the hill...un-sangka-able..

Gather around for downhill route discussion
This trip is simply awesome!

The cleaning...I am sooo fucked!!!!


  1. CCT, u know wat i see?! you are getting slim jor!!!haha! sure very nice experience and satisfy after long & tough ride!

    high class bicycle don hav stand huh? all sleep flat flat on the ground..i saw my mum BMX got ler :p stand firm firm :p

  2. hahahaha yea it is very nice offroad trip...and hor, i found myself riding just beside a steep high ground and if you are not putting extra attention to it, you might just fall off the high ground, down straight to the bottom..scary.. the adrenaline rush is superb :)
    hahaha we dun usually put stand, cz it tends to ruin the high class look :P seriously..hahaha..and i also dun wana get laughed at for having the first stand among them..
    for the being slimmer or wat..i would have to weight first la..hahha..dun put any extra expectation on that..but i hope la :P

  3. CCT, it is very easy to loose out for the front wheel? if it is, berhati-hati di jalan raya lo... =P

  4. got locking mechanism inside worries...
