Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Hihi! My dearest renzhasss! I feel glad that finally renzha gang is having a blog. I am so proud of you!! :) Let me be the first to start this empty box (话晒我都是德高望重得amak) :p I believe some days later, this blog will be the funniest, the most memorable, full with joy & happiness even we read it after few decades. I hope everyone of us can maintain & paint the land which belongs to us - belongs to renzha. Let's update any comment, thought, any thing we would like to share, photos, pictures, useful & meaningful phrases, the state of mind, our mood, some entertainments etc. Please let our family members (renzha) to be a part of your life. Any thing also can write except too deep english!!! CCT, i warn you! I have many thing to write & share but really too much & i just have limited time. I promise I will update this blog once I have time. So do you? Initially this project supposed to handle by CCT but as you all know - the best organizer award winner!!!! Expected 胎死腹中 la :p One more thing, do you know why I put this photo? Nothing one, just feel secretive.. hehe... yau yeng 嘛... show our 'fit' & 'fat' back body - how contra it is. Some of you are not in this photos but doesn't really matter, we will have many funnier photos coming up! Keep it up! Wait for my next text with $#%^&#@ words :p


  1. yeah yeah yeah... reali so funny when look at this photo... especially the position of Lglg and CCT!!! yau yeng and sexy ass..... kakkaa

  2. Yo... let me write some thing here... hehe...
    even though im not in this picture, but from the body language of this photo, i know u guys are looking for me =P

  3. pp... beh charm lo.. that time didnt join us.. LAN SI!! But bottom from ren zha heart.. we really really really NOT LOOKING 4u :p hahaha

    but we really miss you here so much dee !! without u without fun !

  4. don tipu la...u all looking at sea for the turtle buddies....:)

  5. eh why i m so isolated from you guys 1..beh cham..and diu that gary is scratching butt somemore..

  6. He purplely posting like this la.. showing his tatto ma.. worthiest tatto! 20 bucks for life time..
