Friday, July 10, 2009

*****My Office******

忙了两个月, Office 终于都装修好了......
看看我现在都可以在Office 上班了....真的好开心但是房间有些乱..哈哈

等下看看我们自己DIY的OFFICE..应该会有一些小惊讶吧....虽然我只做了少少的装修, 但是我老公可花了好多时间和精神在那里哦....每天做泥水工, 足足有一个月哦..

还记得第一天去买PARTITION 板...一共有14片, 长8尺...因为太长了, 所以进不了电梯....老公就与姐夫一起从楼下抬上3楼, 好惨啊...因为PARTITION 板太大又重...第一天就把老公累坏了.....为了省钱, 样样都得自己做....这间OFFICE 真的是租来不容易.......担是还是有满足感和成就感...

看看右边...这福墙就是用辛辛苦苦抬上去的 PARTITION 板连接成的...漂亮吧...但是墙纸是订做的...图里面就是我们今年要推行的产品.漂亮吗? 全部都是 USB FLASH DISK --- THUMB DRIVE..什么型状都可以做....

为了做这张墙纸, 花了我们好多钱, 好心痛呀!!! 不过印出来的效果都不错...

接下来, 就要看看我们花了好久才买到的 SOFA...这张SOFA 是我喜欢的红色, 好耀眼哦!!!! 再加上美女坐上去, 更美丽啦...哈哈
茶几上有一个假草..有注意到吗? 这可不是假草而已, 我们还样了两条老虎鱼..好特别吧..再让你们看清楚些...好漂亮的...只是假草要重新摆过, 因为时间不足, 所以老公随便插的...


  1. Congratulation!!!! have ur office finally~~~
    so keng that everything can do by ur own... good wife and good business partner ;)

  2. Jamy, i think u wrote this blog quite some time ago but we just saw it these 2 days after Pat 'push' it out :p so nice office! congrats!own business so good & so sweet :) first blog written in chinese. i write english oso die, write chinse lagi die :p finally cap pa lang language!

  3. wahhh seems like many products are going to be launched this year wor...really usb flsh drive in any shape also can do ar? any MOQ? and who is doing the design wor?
    congrates for the new office opening..wishing u 发过猪笼进水啦~

  4. Thanks my dear renzha friends...wahaha

    All these are USB flash drive...we can do it with any shape, MOQ:500pcs...yeah..we have own designer to draw it.. :)

  5. Congratulation yeah !! So sweet and memorable ler.. u and ur hubby together design your own office .. Btw..where is ur husband? didnt post the photo?

  6. dont understand chinese version or not?..hohoho :p

  7. hahahahhaahhaa
    kin jio lang... :P
    ask miciao to translate laaa
